Sheryl Warner
Sheryl Warner
and the Southside Homewreckers
  • Blues from the Delta to the Piedmont

Our Music

The Southside Homewreckers perform a wide range of styles, from the deep sounds of the Delta to ragtime-inspired East Coast Blues.

Sheryl and Rick at the Tinner Hill Blues Festival

We perform a variety of early Blues styles from Chicago to Atlanta to the Delta. As Blues Revue noted when reviewing our second CD, Lucky Oil on My Hand, "Warner has a clear, authoritative voice and a dynamic but nicely unaffected style that works as well on 'Trouble in Mind' as on Blind Blake's 'Chump Man Blues.' Excellent accompaniment helps; Rick Manson's supportive harp steps out front on 'Sonny's Blues' and winds through other songs, and guitarist Gregg Kimball picks out songs from Delta, Piedmont, and Chicago traditions."

Hear some more tunes by the Homewreckers